Sunday, February 19, 2012


Hey Everyone,
I think it's time we considered taking a bit of time out from our busy schedules to inform you about something quite intriguing in getting further insight into our level design process. That is, 'Livestreaming'.

Now, if you've been around the Internet long enough, you'll know that real-time video where the creator of the video can actually interact with their fans and those that are interested, can supersede those videos we upload, as well as the pictures/text posts we can offer in terms of communication.

Updating all of our fans and followers on our Facebook page as well as on this blog can prove to be an exciting and varied process, so that means we can add that to our enjoyment of designing/testing/developing the project. In addition, our Livestreams would allow fans to directly interact with us as the developers and fellow gamers, as we continue the development process to its deadline (it's getting closer - 9 weeks away!).

We will be streaming alternately throughout the weeks, separately from the normal updates, with mostly our development work and the odd gaming session between our team, on Battlefield, Left 4 Dead, the current Mass Effect 3 Demo and more...

That's all for this post,

Atamarashi (Lead Level Modeller at Blitz Design).

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